Barbie Barista Greetings!

Welcome to the quirky world of a 3 inch tall doll. No, really. I am a 3 inch tall doll. My name is Barbie Barista and I wear glasses, have a tribal tattoo and a green apron. Guess where I work? I'll go anywhere they serve coffee and a few places they don't. I'll see you there, or here if you can't make it to there. Bunny Voyagee as Bugs always said!

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Barbie Goes Back

A girl needs a good French dictionary.

For those interested in my previous French adventures, here's a link to the last go round in France.
I am so excited. I have my coffee cup and my apron packed. Can you believe She has not lost either one in the melee that is our life around here? Here's a link to my previous adventures for those who can't rest without reading up on my previous trip. We leave April 11th for Denver and then hop on board a Norwegian Airlines plane to Adventure. Whee!

Diary of a Plastic Tourist

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